Cricket Near Nabeel Street
Ya, thats really fantastic for me to play cricket with certain old guys who have high command over cricket. We are 4 fantaCis reach at nabeel home and buy a white tape to play at 12 but at noon. We started by number system as
4.boxer(arnold)(Baba)(guru of cricket) Yasir.
Nabeel played abt 5-7 mins and hassan also played same time inning. But when i came to reach at the crease Allah give too much mercy to me and i played abt min(28, 35). That is really amazing for my friends as well as for me(shocking). As i played cricket after abt 2 years. Bottomline, which i think over it last night is that, every supreme and nobel authority key is in the hands of Allah, always ask from Allah as He is the Almighty as Quran says: Qul Ho Walah o Ahad.