Saturday, July 01, 2006

Kar Gozari of DaY 2

Day 2
· XML in SQL Server 2005: Part 1 The XML Data Type
· XML in SQL Server 2005: Part 2 using Xquery to query and manipulate XML
· Windows Vista for Developer

XML in SQL Server 2005: Part 1 The XML Data Type
by Stephen Forte( and
My day 2 session started from the advice of Razzman that to take the sessions of Stephen forte. The first session is too good and I find that PDC had its advantages. In the whole session steve had a great interaction with his audience and that is good part. He described the XML data type and when and where we use the XML data type as compare to relational database. Whenever we want data for web pages or data xchange where on other side SQL Server 2005 is not available. You can download the presentation from Steve Webblog.

XML in SQL Server 2005: Part 2 using Xquery to query and manipulate XML

XQuery is the new xperience for me but I got most of it. It follows the rule of FLWOR( For, Let, Where, Orderby, R I forgot). Let predicate is optional and in SQL Server 2005 it is no more available. If you know even little about Xpath u can easily swim into the XQuery. I also do’t know the XPath but I do’t face any difficulty so I advice you to try atleast one !!!

Windows Vista for Developer and WPF By Chad Hower

Chad Hower a good name but he has nothing to show us in his sessions. Vista for developer is too much boring he gave the screen shots of the vista and nothing. In WPF session he does ‘t even show a single line of code of XAML that’s really worrible. Both of the sessions were 0% enhancement of knowledge.
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