Kar Gozari of DaY 1
I take 3 sessions overall:-
· Smart Client Development, How to make App go smarter with VS 2005.
· Development with VS Tools for the Office, Version 2005.
· The Query Governor SQL CLR in Action.
The 1st two sessions are given by Goksin Baker (goksin@yage.com.tr)
The new keywords which I learnt were Blaah Blaah still amazing and shocking.
Both of the sessions were too much boring and annoying, I don’t understand
On which level he wana to teach. The whole code which I write from there is that
Application block as http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.aspx?url=/library/en-us/dnpag/html/offline.asp
Check this out and help me as well.
Then I take the third one which is given by Richard Campbell and Stephen Forte (stevef@orcsweb.com) and http://www.stephenforte.net/owdasblog/ and www.dotnetrock.com
this can be a good one but I m sitting at the back and font size is 8.25 oem ala bla heehheh
that’s the whole story but I forget to discusss the Mufta session